SeqAn3  3.1.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.

Provides core functionality used by multiple modules. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Core:


 Provides core functionality used for algorithms.
 Provides core concepts.
 Provides core functionality used to configure configurations.
 Debug Stream
 Provides core functionality used to print seqan3 and std types.
 Provides seqan3 general purpose range functionality.


struct  seqan3::detail::customisation_point_object< derived_t, max_priority >
 A CRTP base-class that defines a customisation_point_object (CPO). More...
struct  seqan3::detail::deferred_crtp_base< crtp_base, args_t >
 An invocable wrapper that defers the instantiation of a crtp_base class. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::deferred_crtp_base_vargs< crtp_base, args >
 An invocable wrapper that defers the instantiation of a crtp_base class. More...
interface  derived_from_strong_type
 Defines the requirements of a seqan::detail::strong_type specialisation. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::empty_type
 An empty class type used in meta programming. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_class_template_declarable_with< query_t, args_t >
 An unary type trait that tests whether a template class can be declared with the given template type parameters. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_type_specialisation_of< source_t, target_template >
 Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::is_value_specialisation_of< source_t, target_template >
 Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::iter_pointer< it_t >
 This is like std::iter_value_t, but for the pointer type. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::maybe_inherited_iterator_category< underling_iterator_t >
 This handles more cases than maybe_iterator_category if you inherit the underling_iterator_t. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::maybe_iterator_category< underlying_iterator_t >
 Defines iterator_category member if underlying_iterator_t has a valid std::iterator_traits::iterator_category overload. More...
class  seqan3::detail::persist_fn
 [adaptor_def] More...
struct  seqan3::pod_tuple< type0 >
 Recursion anchor for pod_tuple. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::priority_tag< I >
 A tag that allows controlled overload resolution via implicit base conversion rules. More...
class  seqan3::detail::strong_type< value_t, derived_t, skills_ >
 CRTP base class to declare a strong typedef for a regular type to avoid ambiguous parameter settings in function calls. More...
interface  template_specialisation_of
 Provides concept seqan3::template_specialisation_of<mytype, [...]> for checking the type specialisation of some type with a given template, for example a specialized type_list<float> with the type_list template. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto< source_template< source_arg_types... >, target_template >
 Extracts a type template's type arguments and specialises another template with them. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto< source_template< source_varg_types... >, target_template >
 Extracts a type template's non-type arguments and specialises another template with them. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::transfer_type_modifier_onto< source_t, target_t >
 Transfers the type modifier &, && and const (and any combination) to the target type. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::type_list_expander< type_list_t< args_t... > >
 Helper class to invoke a meta algorithm on the types contained in a seqan3::type_list. More...
struct  seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t >
 Exposes templ_t<spec_t...> if that is valid, otherwise fallback_t. More...
class  seqan3::detail::view_persist< urng_t >
 The type returned by seqan3::detail::persist. More...


#define SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD(...)
 A macro that helps to define a seqan3::detail::customisation_point_object. More...
#define SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD_BODY(...)   noexcept(auto) { return __VA_ARGS__; }
 A macro helper for SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD. More...
#define SEQAN3_WITH_CEREAL   0
 Whether CEREAL support is available or not.
#define SEQAN3_WITH_LEMON   0
 Whether Lemon support is available or not.


template<typename deferred_crtp_base_t , typename derived_t >
using seqan3::detail::invoke_deferred_crtp_base = typename deferred_crtp_base_t::template invoke< derived_t >
 Template alias to instantiate the deferred crtp base with the derived class. More...
template<typename it_t >
using seqan3::detail::iter_pointer_t = typename iter_pointer< it_t >::type
 Return the pointer type of the input type (transformation_trait shortcut). More...
template<typename it_t >
using seqan3::detail::iterator_concept_tag_t = std::conditional_t< std::contiguous_iterator< it_t >, std::contiguous_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::random_access_iterator< it_t >, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::bidirectional_iterator< it_t >, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::forward_iterator< it_t >, std::forward_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::input_iterator< it_t >, std::input_iterator_tag, std::output_iterator_tag > >> >>
 Exposes the iterator_concept from the modelled concept. More...
using seqan3::semiregular_box = ::ranges::semiregular_box
 Utility wrapper that behaves like std::optional but makes the type conform with the std::semiregular concept. Imported from ranges::semiregular_box. More...
using seqan3::semiregular_box_t = ::ranges::semiregular_box_t
 Utility transformation trait to get a wrapper type that models std::semiregular. Imported from ranges::semiregular_box_t. More...
template<typename t >
using seqan3::detail::strip_type_identity_t = std::conditional_t< is_type_specialisation_of_v< t, std::type_identity >, transformation_trait_or_t< t, void >, t >
 A transformation trait shortcut that returns the type inside a std::type_identity or the type itself. More...
template<typename source_type , template< typename ... > typename target_template>
using seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto_t = typename transfer_template_args_onto< source_type, target_template >::type
 Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto (transformation_trait shortcut). More...
template<typename source_type , template< auto ... > typename target_template>
using seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto_t = typename transfer_template_vargs_onto< source_type, target_template >::type
 Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto (transformation_trait shortcut). More...
template<typename fallback_t , template< typename ... > typename templ_t, typename ... spec_t>
using seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or_t = typename valid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t... >::type
 Helper for seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or (transformation_trait shortcut). More...


enum class  seqan3::detail::strong_type_skill {
  none = 0 , add = 1 << 0 , subtract = 1 << 1 , multiply = 1 << 2 ,
  divide = 1 << 3 , modulo = 1 << 4 , bitwise_and = 1 << 5 , bitwise_or = 1 << 6 ,
  bitwise_xor = 1 << 7 , bitwise_not = 1 << 8 , bitwise_lshift = 1 << 9 , bitwise_rshift = 1 << 10 ,
  logical_and = 1 << 11 , logical_or = 1 << 12 , logical_not = 1 << 13 , increment = 1 << 14 ,
  decrement = 1 << 15 , convert = 1 << 16 , comparable = 1 << 17 , additive = add | subtract ,
  multiplicative = multiply | divide | modulo , bitwise_logic = bitwise_and | bitwise_or | bitwise_xor | bitwise_not , bitwise_shift = bitwise_lshift | bitwise_rshift , logic = logical_and | logical_or | logical_not
 Enum class for all supported operations that can be added to a seqan3::detail::strong_type. More...


template<typename type_list_t , typename unary_predicate_t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::all_of (unary_predicate_t &&fn)
 Tests whether a given predicate evaluates to true for each type in a seqan3::type_list. More...
template<typename unary_predicate_t , typename ... pack_t>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::all_of (unary_predicate_t &&fn, pack_t &&...args)
 Tests whether a given predicate evaluates to true for each element in the function parameter pack. More...
template<std::unsigned_integral unsigned_t>
constexpr unsigned_t seqan3::detail::ceil_log2 (unsigned_t const n) noexcept
 Computes the ceil of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers. More...
template<std::unsigned_integral unsigned_t>
constexpr unsigned_t seqan3::detail::floor_log2 (unsigned_t const n) noexcept
 Computes the floor of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers. More...
template<typename type_list_t , typename unary_function_t >
constexpr void seqan3::detail::for_each (unary_function_t &&fn)
 Applies a function element wise to all types of a type list. More...
template<typename unary_function_t , typename ... pack_t>
constexpr void seqan3::detail::for_each (unary_function_t &&fn, pack_t &&...args)
 Applies a function to each element of the given function parameter pack. More...
template<typename base_t , std::unsigned_integral exp_t>
base_t seqan3::pow (base_t base, exp_t exp)
 Computes the value of base raised to the power exp. More...


template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::add_enum_bitwise_operators = false
 Set to true for a scoped enum to have binary operators overloaded. More...
template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format [default is false]. More...
template<typename ... ts>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format [overload]. More...
template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format [default is false]. More...
template<typename ... ts>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > > = (structure_file_input_format<ts> && ...)
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format [overload]. More...
template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v = false
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format [default is false]. More...
template<typename ... ts>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v< type_list< ts... > > = (structure_file_output_format<ts> && ...)
 Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format [overload]. More...
constexpr auto seqan3::detail::persist
 [adaptor_def] More...
template<typename t >
SEQAN3_CONCEPT seqan3::detail::type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats = is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v<t>
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format. More...
template<typename t >
SEQAN3_CONCEPT seqan3::detail::type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats = is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v<t>
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format. More...
template<typename t >
SEQAN3_CONCEPT seqan3::detail::type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats = is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v<t>
 Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format. More...
template<typename type >
std::string const seqan3::detail::type_name_as_string
 Defines the human-readable name of the given type using the typeid operator. More...

Detailed Description

Provides core functionality used by multiple modules.

The core module contains concepts, functions and some classes that are used by multiple other modules, but that usually are not relevant to most users of the library.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD (   ...)
cpo_overload(__VA_ARGS__) \

A macro that helps to define a seqan3::detail::customisation_point_object.


Expands to a function definition with the name cpo_overload.

It puts the given expression via SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD_BODY as a single return statement in the function body, the noexcept declaration and requires declaration.

template <typename range_t>
requires true // further constraints
static constexpr auto SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD(seqan3::detail::priority_tag<1>, range_t && range)
/*return*/ std::forward<range_t>(range).begin() /*;*/
#define SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD(...)
A macro that helps to define a seqan3::detail::customisation_point_object.
Definition: customisation_point.hpp:102
A tag that allows controlled overload resolution via implicit base conversion rules.
Definition: customisation_point.hpp:32

expands to something similar to

template <typename range_t>
requires true // further constraints
static constexpr auto cpo_overload(seqan3::detail::priority_tag<1>, range_t && range)
requires requires()
return std::forward<range_t>(range).begin();
T begin(T... args)


#define SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD_BODY (   ...)    noexcept(auto) { return __VA_ARGS__; }

A macro helper for SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD.


Please note that in order to allow a semicolon at the end when using this macro, i.e.

A macro helper for SEQAN3_CPO_OVERLOAD.
Definition: customisation_point.hpp:62

we need some expression at the end of the macro that can have a semicolon appended. We chose static_assert(true) for that reason.

Typedef Documentation

◆ invoke_deferred_crtp_base

template<typename deferred_crtp_base_t , typename derived_t >
using seqan3::detail::invoke_deferred_crtp_base = typedef typename deferred_crtp_base_t::template invoke<derived_t>

Template alias to instantiate the deferred crtp base with the derived class.

Template Parameters
deferred_crtp_base_tThe deferred crtp base class.
derived_tThe derived type to instantiate the crtp base class with.

Effectively declares the type resulting from deferred_crtp_base_t::template invoke<derived_t>.

See also

◆ iter_pointer_t

template<typename it_t >
using seqan3::detail::iter_pointer_t = typedef typename iter_pointer<it_t>::type

Return the pointer type of the input type (transformation_trait shortcut).

Template Parameters
it_tThe type to operate on.
See also

◆ iterator_concept_tag_t

template<typename it_t >
using seqan3::detail::iterator_concept_tag_t = typedef std::conditional_t< std::contiguous_iterator<it_t>, std::contiguous_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::random_access_iterator<it_t>, std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::bidirectional_iterator<it_t>, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::forward_iterator<it_t>, std::forward_iterator_tag, std::conditional_t< std::input_iterator<it_t>, std::input_iterator_tag, std::output_iterator_tag> >> >>

Exposes the iterator_concept from the modelled concept.

Template Parameters
it_tThe type to operate on.

◆ semiregular_box

using seqan3::semiregular_box = typedef ::ranges::semiregular_box

Utility wrapper that behaves like std::optional but makes the type conform with the std::semiregular concept. Imported from ranges::semiregular_box.

See also

◆ semiregular_box_t

using seqan3::semiregular_box_t = typedef ::ranges::semiregular_box_t

Utility transformation trait to get a wrapper type that models std::semiregular. Imported from ranges::semiregular_box_t.

See also

◆ strip_type_identity_t

template<typename t >
using seqan3::detail::strip_type_identity_t = typedef std::conditional_t<is_type_specialisation_of_v<t, std::type_identity>, transformation_trait_or_t<t, void>, t>

A transformation trait shortcut that returns the type inside a std::type_identity or the type itself.

Template Parameters
tThe type to operate on.

◆ transfer_template_args_onto_t

template<typename source_type , template< typename ... > typename target_template>
using seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto_t = typedef typename transfer_template_args_onto<source_type, target_template>::type

Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_args_onto (transformation_trait shortcut).

See also

◆ transfer_template_vargs_onto_t

template<typename source_type , template< auto ... > typename target_template>
using seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto_t = typedef typename transfer_template_vargs_onto<source_type, target_template>::type

Shortcut for seqan3::detail::transfer_template_vargs_onto (transformation_trait shortcut).

See also

◆ valid_template_spec_or_t

template<typename fallback_t , template< typename ... > typename templ_t, typename ... spec_t>
using seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or_t = typedef typename valid_template_spec_or<fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t...>::type

Helper for seqan3::detail::valid_template_spec_or (transformation_trait shortcut).

See also
Template Parameters
fallback_tThe fallback type.
templ_tThe type template that should be specialised.
spec_tThe specialisation for the type template.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ strong_type_skill

Enum class for all supported operations that can be added to a seqan3::detail::strong_type.

See also
seqan3::enum_bitwise_operators enables combining enum values.

Function Documentation

◆ all_of() [1/2]

template<typename type_list_t , typename unary_predicate_t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::all_of ( unary_predicate_t &&  fn)

Tests whether a given predicate evaluates to true for each type in a seqan3::type_list.

Template Parameters
list_tA type list; must model seqan3::detail::template_specialisation_of a seqan3::type_list
unary_predicate_tThe function type, like function pointers, functors and lambdas; must model std::predicate expanded on each argument type wrapped in std::type_identity.
[in]fnThe predicate called for every type in the seqan3::type_list.
true if the predicate returns true for each type in the type list, false otherwise.

This function operates on types instead of values. The following steps are performed to call the passed predicate on the types contained in the type list:

Note that wrapping the types in std::type_identity is a technical trick to make a type representable as a value. Instantiating a type might not work because they might not be std::default_initializable. In addition it is possible, to invoke the predicate on incomplete types.


#include <type_traits>
namespace incomplete
struct type;
} // namespace incomplete
// With c++20 you could also write it like this
// auto fn = []<typename type>(std::type_identity<type>)
// {
// ...
// };
auto fn = [](auto id)
// id is of type std::type_identity<type>
using id_t = decltype(id);
using type = typename id_t::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<id_t, std::type_identity<type>>, "id is of type std::type_identity<type>");
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, bool>)
return true;
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, int>)
return true;
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, float>)
return true;
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, incomplete::type>)
return false;
static_assert(seqan3::detail::all_of<seqan3::type_list<int, float, bool>>(fn)); // evalates to true
Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types.
constexpr bool all_of(unary_predicate_t &&fn, pack_t &&...args)
Tests whether a given predicate evaluates to true for each element in the function parameter pack.
Definition: pack_algorithm.hpp:110
@ id
The identifier, usually a string.
T is_same_v
Provides algorithms for meta programming, parameter packs and seqan3::type_list.
Type that contains multiple types.
Definition: type_list.hpp:29
Provides seqan3::type_list.


Linear in the number of types in the seqan3::type_list.

[Compile-time complexity: Linear number of template instantiations.]

◆ all_of() [2/2]

template<typename unary_predicate_t , typename ... pack_t>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::all_of ( unary_predicate_t &&  fn,
pack_t &&...  args 

Tests whether a given predicate evaluates to true for each element in the function parameter pack.

Template Parameters
unary_predicate_tThe function type, like function pointers, functors and lambdas; must model std::predicate expanded on each argument type.
pack_tThe parameter pack of the arguments (each argument type can be different).
[in]fnThe predicate to evaluate for every argument.
[in]argsThe parameter pack.
true if the predicate returns true for each type in the type list, false otherwise.

This function behaves like std::all_of but on parameter packs. The invocation(s) will be done without any loop.


#include <type_traits>
// With c++20 you could also write it like this
// auto fn = []<typename value_t>(value_t && value)
// {
// ...
// };
auto fn = [](auto value)
// id is the original type not wrapped in std::type_identity.
using value_t = decltype(value);
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<value_t, bool>)
return value == false;
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<value_t, int>)
return value == 3;
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<value_t, double>)
return std::abs(value - 1.2) < 0.00001;
return false;
static_assert(seqan3::detail::all_of(fn, 3, 1.2, false)); // evalates to true
static_assert(!seqan3::detail::all_of(fn, 3, 1.2, false, "something else")); // evalates to false


Linear in the number of elements in the pack.

Opposed to the std::all_of the argument order is changed, such that the first argument is the unary predicate to invoke on each argument followed by the arguments. This is due to a constraint in the c++ language regarding parameter packs.
See also

◆ ceil_log2()

template<std::unsigned_integral unsigned_t>
constexpr unsigned_t seqan3::detail::ceil_log2 ( unsigned_t const  n)

Computes the ceil of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers.

[in]nAn unsigned integer.
n = 0 is a special case and is undefined.
\( \lceil log_2(n) \rceil \).

The difference to std::ceil(std::log2(n)) is that everything is computed exactly (without precision loss due to promoting to double)


int main()
// the same as std::ceil(std::log2(x)), but exact for unsigned integers
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^0 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(1u) << '\n'; // 0u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^1 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(2u) << '\n'; // 1u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^1 + 1): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(3u) << '\n'; // 2u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^2 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(4u) << '\n'; // 2u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^2 + 1): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(5u) << '\n'; // 3u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^2 + 2): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(6u) << '\n'; // 3u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^2 + 3): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(7u) << '\n'; // 3u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^3 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(8u) << '\n'; // 3u
seqan3::debug_stream << "ceil_log2(2^3 + 1): " << seqan3::detail::ceil_log2(9u) << '\n'; // 4u
return 0;
debug_stream_type debug_stream
A global instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type.
Definition: debug_stream.hpp:37
constexpr unsigned_t ceil_log2(unsigned_t const n) noexcept
Computes the ceil of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers.
Definition: math.hpp:88
Provides math related functionality.


No-throw guarantee.


Thread safe.



◆ floor_log2()

template<std::unsigned_integral unsigned_t>
constexpr unsigned_t seqan3::detail::floor_log2 ( unsigned_t const  n)

Computes the floor of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers.

[in]nAn unsigned integer.
n = 0 is a special case and is undefined.
\( \lfloor log_2(n) \rfloor \).

The difference to std::floor(std::log2(n)) is that everything is computed exactly (without precision loss due to promoting to double)


int main()
// the same as std::floor(std::log2(x)), but exact for unsigned integers
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^0 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(1u) << '\n'; // 0u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^1 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(2u) << '\n'; // 1u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^1 + 1): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(3u) << '\n'; // 1u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^2 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(4u) << '\n'; // 2u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^2 + 1): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(5u) << '\n'; // 2u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^2 + 2): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(6u) << '\n'; // 2u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^2 + 3): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(7u) << '\n'; // 2u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^3 + 0): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(8u) << '\n'; // 3u
seqan3::debug_stream << "floor_log2(2^3 + 1): " << seqan3::detail::floor_log2(9u) << '\n'; // 3u
return 0;
constexpr unsigned_t floor_log2(unsigned_t const n) noexcept
Computes the floor of the logarithm to the base of two for unsigned integers.
Definition: math.hpp:54


No-throw guarantee.


Thread safe.



◆ for_each() [1/2]

template<typename type_list_t , typename unary_function_t >
constexpr void seqan3::detail::for_each ( unary_function_t &&  fn)

Applies a function element wise to all types of a type list.

Template Parameters
list_tA type list; must model seqan3::detail::template_specialisation_of a seqan3::type_list.
unary_function_tThe function type, like function pointers, functors and lambdas; must model std::invocable on each type of the type list wrapped in std::type_identity.
[in]fnThe function to call on every type contained in the list.

This function operates on types instead of values. The following steps are performed to call the passed unary function on the types contained in the type list:

Note that wrapping the types in std::type_identity is a technical trick to make a type representable as a value. Instantiating a type might not work because they might not be std::default_initializable. In addition, it is possible to invoke the unary function on incomplete types.


#include <string>
namespace incomplete
struct type;
} // namespace incomplete
int main()
// With c++20 you could also write it like this
// auto fn = []<typename type>(std::type_identity<type>)
// {
// ...
// };
auto fn = [](auto id)
// id is of type std::type_identity<type>
using id_t = decltype(id);
using type = typename id_t::type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<id_t, std::type_identity<type>>, "id is of type std::type_identity<type>");
if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, bool>)
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, int>)
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, float>)
else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<type, incomplete::type>)
seqan3::debug_stream << "incomplete::type";
// prints each type name, i.e. "int, float, bool, incomplete::type, \n"
// is the same as explicitly writing
return 0;


Linear in the number of types in the seqan3::type_list.

[Compile-time complexity: Linear number of template instantiations.]

See also

◆ for_each() [2/2]

template<typename unary_function_t , typename ... pack_t>
constexpr void seqan3::detail::for_each ( unary_function_t &&  fn,
pack_t &&...  args 

Applies a function to each element of the given function parameter pack.

Template Parameters
unary_function_tThe function type, like function pointers, functors and lambdas.
pack_tThe parameter pack of the arguments (each argument type can be different).
[in]fnThe function to call on every argument.
[in]argsThe parameter pack.

This function behaves like std::for_each but on parameter packs. The invocation(s) will be done without any loop.


#include <string>
int main()
auto fn = [](auto && a)
// prints each argument, i.e. "0, 1, 2, 3\n"
seqan3::detail::for_each(fn, 0, ", ", 1.0, ", ", std::string{"2, 3"}, '\n');
// is the same as explicitly writing
fn(", ");
fn(", ");
fn(std::string{"2, 3"});
return 0;
constexpr void for_each(unary_function_t &&fn, pack_t &&...args)
Applies a function to each element of the given function parameter pack.
Definition: pack_algorithm.hpp:196


Linear in the number of elements in the pack.

Opposed to the std::for_each the argument order is changed, such that the first argument is the unary function to invoke on each argument followed by the arguments. This is due to a constraint in the c++ language regarding parameter packs.
See also

◆ pow()

template<typename base_t , std::unsigned_integral exp_t>
base_t seqan3::pow ( base_t  base,
exp_t  exp 

Computes the value of base raised to the power exp.

[in]baseThe base to compute the power for.
[in]expThe power to raise base to.
\( base^{exp} \).
std::overflow_errorif an overflow occurs (Only in Debug build).
std::underflow_errorif an underflow occurs (Only in Debug build).
See also

The difference to std::pow is that the powers of an integer base are computed exact (without precision loss due to promoting to double) iff exp_t models std::unsigned_integral and

  • base_t models std::unsigned_integral (returns uint64_t)
  • base_t models std::integral, but not std::unsigned_integral (returns int64_t)

In all other cases the return value and type is equivalent to that of std::pow.


int main()
// Uses specialisation for signed integers.
seqan3::debug_stream << seqan3::pow(2, 3u) << '\n'; // Prints 8
seqan3::debug_stream << seqan3::pow(-2, 3u) << '\n'; // Prints -8
// Uses specialisation for unsigned integers.
seqan3::debug_stream << seqan3::pow(2u, 3u) << '\n'; // Prints 8
// Uses `std::pow`.
seqan3::debug_stream << seqan3::pow(2, 3) << '\n'; // Prints 8
seqan3::debug_stream << seqan3::pow(2u, 3) << '\n'; // Prints 8
seqan3::debug_stream << seqan3::pow(2.0, 3) << '\n'; // Prints 8
// 5^25 should be 298023223876953125.
seqan3::debug_stream << seqan3::pow(5u, 25u) << '\n'; // Prints 298023223876953125
seqan3::debug_stream << static_cast<uint64_t>(std::pow(5u, 25u)) << '\n'; // Prints 298023223876953152 (wrong!)
base_t pow(base_t base, exp_t exp)
Computes the value of base raised to the power exp.
Definition: math.hpp:124
T pow(T... args)

Variable Documentation

◆ add_enum_bitwise_operators

template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::add_enum_bitwise_operators = false

Set to true for a scoped enum to have binary operators overloaded.

If this type trait is specialised for an enum, the binary operators &, |, ^, ~, &=, |=, ^= will be added and behave just like for ints or unscoped enums.


enum class my_enum
VAL1 = 1,
VAL2 = 2,
COMB = 3
template <>
constexpr bool seqan3::add_enum_bitwise_operators<my_enum> = true;
int main()
using seqan3::operator|;
my_enum e = my_enum::VAL1;
my_enum e2 = e | my_enum::VAL2;
// e2 == my_enum::COMB;
Provides seqan3::add_enum_bitwise_operators.

◆ is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v

template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v = false

Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format [default is false].

See also

◆ is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >

template<typename ... ts>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >
Initial value:
The generic concept for sequence file in formats.

Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format [overload].

See also

◆ is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v

template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v = false

Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format [default is false].

See also

◆ is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >

template<typename ... ts>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v< type_list< ts... > > = (structure_file_input_format<ts> && ...)

Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format [overload].

See also

◆ is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v

template<typename t >
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v = false

Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format [default is false].

See also

◆ is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v< type_list< ts... > >

template<typename ... ts>
constexpr bool seqan3::detail::is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v< type_list< ts... > > = (structure_file_output_format<ts> && ...)

Auxiliary value metafuncton that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format [overload].

See also

◆ persist

constexpr auto seqan3::detail::persist


A view adaptor that wraps rvalue references of non-views.

Template Parameters
urng_tThe type of the range being processed. See below for requirements. [template parameter is omitted in pipe notation]
[in]urangeThe range being processed. [parameter is omitted in pipe notation]
A range wrapped in a view (even if it doesn't model std::ranges::viewable_range).

Header File

#include <seqan3/core/detail/persist_view.hpp>

For ranges that model std::ranges::viewable_range, this adaptor just returns std::views::all. However this adaptor can also take ranges that are not "viewable", e.g. temporaries of containers. It wraps them in a shared pointer internally so all view requirements like constant copy are satisfied. However construction and copying might be slightly slower, because of reference counting.

View properties

Concepts and traits urng_t (underlying range type) rrng_t (returned range type)
std::ranges::input_range required preserved
std::ranges::forward_range preserved
std::ranges::bidirectional_range preserved
std::ranges::random_access_range preserved
std::ranges::contiguous_range preserved
std::ranges::viewable_range not required guaranteed
std::ranges::view guaranteed
std::ranges::sized_range preserved
std::ranges::common_range preserved
std::ranges::output_range preserved
seqan3::const_iterable_range preserved
std::ranges::range_reference_t std::ranges::range_reference_t<urng_t>

See the views submodule documentation for detailed descriptions of the view properties.


int main()
using namespace seqan3::literals;
// explicitly create an l-value of our dna vector:
auto vec = "ACGT"_dna4;
auto v = vec | seqan3::views::to_char;
// using seqan3::detail::persist you can bind the temporary directly:
// note that seqan3::detail::persist must follow immediately after the temporary,
// thus the function notation might be more intuitive:
Provides seqan3::dna4, container aliases and string literals.
auto const to_char
A view that calls seqan3::to_char() on each element in the input range.
Definition: to_char.hpp:63
constexpr auto persist
Definition: persist_view.hpp:224
The SeqAn namespace for literals.
Provides seqan3::detail::persist.
Provides seqan3::views::to_char.

◆ type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats

template<typename t >
SEQAN3_CONCEPT seqan3::detail::type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats = is_type_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats_v<t>

Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format.

See also

◆ type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats

template<typename t >
SEQAN3_CONCEPT seqan3::detail::type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats = is_type_list_of_structure_file_input_formats_v<t>

Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format.

See also

◆ type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats

template<typename t >
SEQAN3_CONCEPT seqan3::detail::type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats = is_type_list_of_structure_file_output_formats_v<t>

Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format.

See also

◆ type_name_as_string

template<typename type >
std::string const seqan3::detail::type_name_as_string

Defines the human-readable name of the given type using the typeid operator.

Template Parameters
typeThe type to get the human-readable name for.

On gcc and clang std::type_info only returns a mangled name. The mangled name can be converted to human-readable form using implementation-specific API such as abi::__cxa_demangle. In other implementations the name returned is already human-readable.

The returned name is implementation defined and might change between different tool chains.